Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A Better Idea For Chuck Roast

So, this was a total experiment. I had a chuck roast in the fridge, and didn't know when I'd be able to cook it. So, I cut off a few chunks, added some flavor, and here we are. This is not a typical recipe. I will just tell you what I did.

In a saute pan, heat some olive oil. Flavor roast pieces with Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper. Add chunks of chuck roast (a little bigger than bite size) to hot pan. Let sear for a couple minutes, then turn. While this is cooking, take a can of cream of mushroom soup and mix with a small amount of water (a couple tablespoons) and add a good amount of Tastefully Simple Garlic Garlic (or flavoring of your choice). When meat is almost done, remove from pan. Add soup mixture to the pan and mix well. Return meat to pan, reduce heat, cover. Cook 5-10 minutes or until done.

Let meat rest 5-10 minutes before serving. Serve with mashed potatoes, using soup mixture as gravy.

1 comment:

LU said...

campbell's cream of mushroom soup... a godsend!